How much CatSpot litter should I use?

How much CatSpot litter should I use per month?
One, 5 lb. bag of CatSpot has the same absorbency as 20 lbs. of clay litter. But, even better, CatSpot has zero chemicals, is hypoallergenic, and is dust-free.
Litter box maintenance can be broken down into 5 simple steps:
- With your bag of CatSpot Litter, fill a clean litter box to a depth of 1.5 inches to 2 inches.
- We recommend removing the solids on a daily basis or to your cat(s) preferences. As the solids are removed, agitate and stir the litter thoroughly to disperse the urine throughout the product. Stirring in the urine frequently is a crucial step to take to ensure maximum effectiveness of CatSpot Litter's ability to absorb the urine and its odor.
- With the unmatched absorption of CatSpot Litter, the urine should not be removed. For best results, agitate and stir the litter thoroughly to disperse the urine throughout the product as you remove the solids daily. This will increase the longevity and effectiveness of the CatSpot Litter. We mention it again because it is that important!
- Up to 15 days after filling the litter box, dispose of the used CatSpot Litter by way of waste receptacle or as a yard soil amendment. The number of cats that use a litter box, the bathroom habits, health issues, and strength of smell from your cat's urine may affect the frequency of change to be much more frequent than every 15 days. CatSpot just recommends 15 days as a maximum number of days to leave CatSpot cat litter in the litter box before totally changing.
- With the remaining litter from the month supply bag or a new bag, refill your litter box to a depth of 1.5 inches to 2 inches and repeat the remaining steps.
Will I still need to scoop CatSpot Litter?
CatSpot Litter does not clump when exposed to urine. To maintain optimal freshness, cat owners only need to remove and dispose of solid waste and stir in the urine on a daily basis. This will help the coconut absorb the ammonia in the urine, eliminating the need to always scoop wet clumps.

Can CatSpot Litter be used for multiple cat households?
Absolutely. Our general recommendation is one bag of CatSpot Litter per cat, per month. We also recommend that each cat have its own litter box.